Arm Wrestling

Date: Friday September 13
Time: 13:00
ATTENTION: Weigh-in Thursday September 12 17.00-19.00 at Aalborg City Hall, Gl. Torv 2, 9000 Aalborg
Location: Salling ROOFTOP
Address: Nytorv 8, 9000 Aalborg
- Arden Armwrestling
Age categories:
- 18-100 years
Disciplines/weight classes:
Men | Women | |
Right: 70 kg | Right: under 65 kg | |
Right: 70-80 kg | Right: over 65 kg | |
Right: 80-90 kg | Left: all weights | |
Right: 90-100 kg | ||
Right: over 100 kg | ||
Left: all weights |
- Weigh-in is at the City Hall, Gl. Torv 2, 9000 Aalborg - September 12 at 17:00 - 19:00
- Registration is at 13:00 on competition day
- Competition starts at 14:00
- Medal ceremony
- Estimated end time 17:00
- Arm Wrestling is a strength sport. It is a sport that combines strength, technique, endurance and tactics.
- After the competition the audience will get the opportunity to try arm wrestling against professionals and learn more about arm wrestling.
Equipment and requirements:
- Only short sleeves or sleeveless shirts will be allowed during competition.
- Competitors are not allowed to use protection for elbows or wrists.
- It is not allowed to wear any kind of rings, watches, wristbands etc.
Pre-competition meeting:
- Two professional arm wrestlers will make sure that all participants are informed about security and the rules. They will also inform the competitors about the right way to warm up.
- Weigh-in will take place just before the competition. If the weight is higher than the listed levels you will be moved to a higher level.
Rules and regulations:
- Two athletes will compete to push the opponent’s hand down to a table where both athletes’ elbows are resting.
- The tournament will be held as “double elimination”. Double elimination means that you will leave the tournament when you have lost to matches in the competing arm.
- The groups for the tournament will be randomly made before competition start.
- In addition to a competition in each weight class, there will be an overall competition where the top 3 from each weight class will meet and compete to be the strongest firefighter for each gender.
- The rules will follow international standards (WAF).
- If you for example weigh in at 69 kg. the day before your registration can be changed to 70 kg. (given there is enough participants at that weight class
- It is a double elimination structure. If you win you go to winners braket, and if you loose you go to loosers braket. Every participant must loose twice to get eliminated.
The most important rules are listed below:
- Only professional referees will be judging
- International approved arm wrestling tables will be used
- The groups for the tournament will be randomly made before competition start
- 2 fails result in a lost battle
- Instructions from referees must be followed
- Possible mistakes will be introduced before the beginning of the competition
- The competition will be on a professional and certified table where both competitors will be standing.
- Both competitors grab each other’s hand and place the elbow on a pad. The competitors will grab a special handle (placed on each side of the table) with the non-competing hand.
- Competitors must hold on to this during the competition and at least one leg must be on the ground.
- A competition will always be judged by two referees who are responsible for the competition.
- For at complete list of rules we refer to:
Subject to changes